My New Stray Cat

We have a new addition to our household, Moogie. Most Star Trek fans, especially those who lean toward Deep Space Nine, will recognize the name as the mother of Quark and Rom. Moogie was a stray cat, but now we have given her a home. I’ll take the opportunity on this #caturday to tell you all about her.


The first time we saw Moogie, she was scratching at our back door. Although we knew she wanted a home, we were reluctant because of our newborn, Frankie. I searched the town’s Facebook page. Most people with lost and found pets post there, but I saw nothing about this cat. Then I took pictures of her, posted them, and received no response.

Talk About a Guilt Trip

Months ago, as I prepared the nursery for an impending visit from The Stork, I painted a portrait of St. Francis of Assisi, surrounded by animal silhouettes. I finished off St. Francis with a rabbit, a bird, and a cat. Two days later, there was Moogie.


I kept feeding her most days because some days she was nowhere to be found. Every time I’d walk into the nursery and see St. Francis with the cat, my guilt trip got worse. After a few months of failing to find a home for her, my wife and I decided to keep her. After all, we were already feeding her.

Off to the Vet

The first problem was our cat carriers. They were too small for this rather large kitty. I purchased a carrier for a small dog and Moogie fit without a problem. I took her to the vet and he checked her out for feline leukemia and other communicable diseases. Because her long hair was matted, they gave her a bath and shaved her.

How Did the Other Cats Behave? Is the Fur Flying?

So far, only Phoenix and Luna have accepted Moogie. Despite the initial hissing contests, the cats eat together and have even tried to play with Moogie. Minnie, on the other hand, is reacting differently. She can be a very jealous cat. Minnie follows me around from room to room, always has to jump on my lap, or get into anything that has my attention.


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And Now?

Moogie and the other cats have settled into a routine. Our four-feline brood eats and plays nicely together. The transition has been smoother than expected. It is possible that the other cats were already accustomed to her because of her extended stay under our deck.

Got a stray cat story to tell? Or just a good one about your domestic kitty?

Every Time You Reply – Little Frankie Doesn’t Cry


Luna the Krazy Kitty

The youngest feline addition to our household is Luna. As you may remember, my wife maintains a Harry Potter theme for our cats. Phoenix is the eldest, Minerva is second, and then comes Luna.


Luna gets caught climbing on the baker’s rack

Luna is a rather rambunctious kitty. She’ll find any object that isn’t nailed down and turn it into a toy. Despite the amount of cat toys in the house, Luna loves to play with pens and pistachio nuts. Every time I move the couch to clean I find many stray objects.  

Small insects do not stand a chance against Luna, the kitty with the heart of a lion. The unwary tend to make their way through the back door frame only to run smack into Luna. Always vigilant, she tends to linger by the rear glass door to watch for birds and stray cats.

Of all three cats, Minerva is the most affectionate. Luna relishes play time with her humans, but only accepts affection on her own terms. She’ll approach and place her paws on my leg. That’s her signal that she wants to be either petted or rubbed.

Luna is quite the clever kitty. Sometimes she takes a chunk of dry cat food and dips it into the water dish to soften it up, but I don’t know why. She does eat both wet and dry cat food.

With the arrival of Little Frankie, we’ve had our share of cardboard boxes. Luna is adept at turning any box into a fort which she likes to defend from Minerva. At times, she’ll use a box as a hunting blind and make stealth attacks.


In the beginning, Luna occupied to low rung of the totem pole as they say. However, she is asserting herself with the others. For example, a few months ago we purchased a deluxe four tier cat tree. Immediately, Luna claimed the top perch, and the other cats seem to have accepted her claim.

How are you kitties doing? Have you ever brought a kitten into a home where other older cats ruled?

Every Time You Reply Little Frankie Doesn’t Cry



7 Easy Tips for Indie-Authors

I’ve noticed many memes or progress posts by indie-authors on Facebook and Twitter like “Wrote 2.5k today.” Of course, when such messages pop-up at around 10:30am, one has to wonder if the author’s blazing fingers melted the keyboard. Writing has to be done because we all understand the classic tidbit of wisdom that you can’t edit a blank page. However, some indie-authors should learn how to live life. Therefore, I’ve put together a small list to combat the typical bad habits that plague indie-authors. Hopefully, these tips will help the writing / editing process.

First: Open a window and breathe. That stuff you smell is called fresh air. Your body and brain needs oxygen, don’t deprive yourself.

Second: I’m sure there’s a place where you can order a couple of poached eggs and toast. Hotpockets, snickers bars, pizza rolls, and Twinkies* do not constitute a diet.

*I’ve discovered a widely held belief among indie-authors. Chocolate or fudge covered Twinkies are considered a healthier alternative to the standard Twinkie. Many authors believe the coating prevents bacteria or other micro-organisms from penetrating the cake and cream filling. 🙂 


Third: Once a day, or for once in your life. Please put down the coffee mug or shot glass and try a glass of water or juice. Man does not live by bread alone, nor should indie-authors live by caffeine alone.

Fourth: Take a break. Even prisoners on death row are given some time to roam outdoors. Time spent on social media like Facebook or Twitter is NOT considered break time. You’re still typing and reading!

Fifth: Socializing can be fun. Maybe we indie-authors should try it. Going to the coffee shop to have a critique session with other authors doesn’t count. Perhaps combine this one with a trip to the diner.

Sixth: Please give your cat(s) some play time. There is an indie-author / cat owner corollary. After all, you are their human and they need attention too. Remember, cat lives matter!

Seventh: Just look at the disarray on your writing desk. When do you plan on cleaning it? There is probably a better place for the piles of notes and craft books. If you’re a voracious reader, then you should have shelves or a bookcase somewhere?

I’m sure this list can be expanded. If you’ve got an idea drop a comment below. Also, are you guilty of any of the above habits? I know I am, just look at the photographic evidence of the Twinkie.  🙂

Every Time You Reply – “Little Frankie” Doesn’t Cryfrancesco25


Minnie the Cat

Last month I told you all about Phoenix, our eldest kitty. Well, now I’m going to tell you about Minnie our black & white tuxedo.

Although we call her Minnie, her real name is Minerva. As you may recall, our cats’ names reflect a Harry Potter theme. She is so named for Minerva McGonagall.

Minnie was a stray that I picked up in San Antonio. I was helping out a sergeant in my wife’s squadron paint his living room and kitchen. Every time I went out for a smoke, I spotted this scrawny starving kitty. She would approach me and meow for food. My friend didn’t own a cat so I gave her some dry dog food.


Later that week I purchased some #cat food on the way to paint. Minnie was pleased to get some real cat yummies. The next day I brought a carrier with me and put the food inside. I captured Minnie and brought her to a veterinary clinic near my home. She got a clean bill of health and has been with us ever since.

Minnie is very playful and follows me from room to room. She is extremely jealous of other cats and quite vociferous. If I should mention Phoenix or Luna, Minnie will come running over. She does not like me doling out affection to another cat.

Odd as it may seem, I’ve learned to discern what she wants. Her usual requests are for petting, playing, and opening the blinds. However, a study was done concerning how cat owners do understand their kitties when they speak.

Do you understand cat chat? Do your kitties have a jealous streak?



A New Kitten for a New Year

My wife took pity on this kitten she saw on our hometown’s Facebook page. For days she worked her way up to the big moment of acceptance with statements like, “I checked the page and nobody responded. We can’t allow that kitten to go to a shelter.”

This pattern repeated several times per day over the weekend. Then the moment of truth arrived, a supreme display of the dynamics of the female synapses. She said, “What do you think, honey? Should we take her?”

As if I had any say in the matter, but her premade decision was now justified because she had deigned to ask me, the Lord of the Manor (all right, stop laughing at me). Of course she asked after days of doom and gloom comments, knowing that I would never offer any opinion to the contrary in order to keep my genitals in full working order. Yes ladies, a man will say and do anything to keep his “package” intact and free from sudden attacks from his enraged femalien-geneto-mate.


The new kitten is snug as a bug in a proverbial rug. Now the problem is to get our other two cats to accept her. We’ve been advised by the vet to keep the new kitty in a separate room for a few days until the others start to get accustomed to her scent and presence. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, because it hasn’t started out well.

There has been much activity by our two fuzzy daughters. They walk up to the door and stare at it for a while. If they see any sign of the new kitty, then they let out a hiss reminiscent of the hive queen from Aliens. I’m beginning to feel helpless. How can I explain to our cats that they have a new sister, when neither of them can speak or understand English? Hopefully someday, Minerva, Phoenix, and Luna will learn to get along (are you noticing the Harry Potter theme for feline names?).

Time for lots of pets, cuddles, and toys (Minnie loves the laser pointer) for emotional reassurance. Then the wife comes home and it’s time for lots of strokes, cuddles, and foot massages for emotional reassurance. Is there no escape?

Any tips on introducing a new cat into the household? O.k., then how about a few prayers? 🙂


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